
- Localização
- São Paulo, SP
- Apoiado em
- 2017
- Áreas atendidas
- Education and Culture
Projeto Hackaton: Desenvolver soluções para os principais desafios enfrentados por imigrantes e refugiados no Brasil
Income Generation Opportunities for Immigrants and Refugees
There are currently 1.8 million immigrants living in Brazil, according to numbers from the Brazilian Federal Police, and nearly 8,500 refugees, according to the National Committee for Refugees. Migraflix realizes activities where refugees can teach and share their culture to Brazilians through: cooking classes, music, dance, art, cultural fairs, and themed dinners.
The objective of these activities is to create income generation opportunities for immigrants and to promote their integration into Brazilian society through dialogue generated during the activities. Migraflix has two other programs that promote inclusion: one which is a partnership with TedX São Paulo; and Creatathon, a creative hackathon in partnership with ACNUR United Nations, Google and SEBRAE, through which 40 immigrants and Brazilians work together to find solutions to the main challenges faced by low-income immigrants in Brazil.
With support from BrazilFoundation, the project aims to
• Hold a new hackathon for solutions to challenges faced by immigrants and refugees in Brazil;
• Use “Design Thinking” methodology to work with a group of refugees on issues including arrival in Brazil, housing, employability, and community connections;
• Form a group of 40 people consisting of Brazilians, immigrants and refugees from various countries.
40 immigrants and refugees with work opportunities
Cultural activities creating interaction and dialogue
Hackathon to solve challenges faced by immigrants and refugees
“My mission in life involves tolerance and empathy among all people in all situations.” – Jonathan Berezovsky, Migraflix Founder