Programa Vivenda – Reformas para Baixa Renda

- Localização
- Sao Paulo, SP
- Apoiado em
- 2015
- Áreas atendidas
- Social Enterprise
Tecnologias Verdes no Programa Vivenda
Improving inadequate housing through green technology
Brazil faces a housing shortage of 5.5 million homes, according to the National Household Survey (PNUD). In addition, over 11 million existing homes are in poor condition. While Brazil’s housing policies do aim to tackle housing shortages, there are rarely initiatives to improve the precarious conditions of existing homes, even though the issue of housing quality is twice as large as the current housing shortage.
Programa Vivenda was created in 2013 to offer a scaled solution to poor housing conditions that impact the health of the population, particularly that which is low-income. The project offers an integrated package of services – loans, technical assistance, skilled labor and materials – to realize quick, cheap, and quality housing renovations that will improve the health and life quality of residents.
With support from BrazilFoundation, Programa Vivenda will:
• Test and implement “green” technologies in renovations, reducing the environmental impact and, above all, better preparing families to cope with the water and energy crises;
• Conduct six pilot renovations with a cistern for harvesting rainwater and low-cost solar water heater;
• Give priority to families with newborns or children under one year, ensuring them access to water and hot baths;
• Replicate these technologies in upcoming renovations for over 5,000 people.
30 benefited by cistern and solar heater
5,000 people benefited in 24 months
6 “green kits”
“This project is of great importance because it will start a new phase for Program Vivenda based on a culture of sustainability” – Fernando Assad, co-founder, Programa Vivenda