2009 Grantee builds a small animal feed factory as a way to strengthen family agriculture in Pentecostes, Ceará

16/12/2009 • Publicado em Uncategorized

The Agência de Desenvolvimento Local do Vale do Médio Curú (Agency for Local Development of the Curú Valley) has built a mini feedlot in the municipality of Pentecostes with the support of BrazilFoundation and local organizations as part of the Structuring and Propagating the Goat and Sheep Meat Production Chain project.

This improved technology will strengthen the processing sector through the introduction of equipment that will enable small producers and community groups to purchase corn at better rates and produce high quality animal feed. The organization was founded by a group of college graduates who received fellowships from PRECE – Coração do Estudante project, a 2008 grantee of BrazilFoundation. Their project will also train 20 goat and sheepherders in modern animal husbandry techniques, rural management, and on the organization of cooperatives and associations.

For more information, please visit: http://adelmediocuru.blogspot.com/