We received 342 proposals from all regions of the country
We are pleased to announce the projects selected for support from the Education Fund and the Environment & Climate Change Fund. Sixteen civil society organizations will be granted with R$150,000 in the first year, with the possibility of support renewal for an additional 12 months pending evaluation of results.
The BrazilFoundation selection process begins with an open call for proposal submissions. Based on a set of criteria including innovation, socio-environmental impact, scalability, and sustainability, the finalist projects are selected to undergo on-site visits. Finalist projects undergo on-site visits and are evaluated by a technical team and expert committee.The selected organizations will be monitored by the BrazilFoundation team and will receive support for institutional strengthening.
BrazilFoundation’s Field-of-Interest Funds promote systemic improvements in socio-environmental, racial, and gender inequities in Brazil.
The Education Fund supports initiatives to improve teaching and learning for children and youth. The Environment & Climate Change Fund supports supports initiatives for the conservation of biomes and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods among indigenous peoples and traditional communities.
For over 23 years, BrazilFoundation has supported civil society organizations that represent the ethnic, racial, gender, and geographic diversity of Brazil, promoting social and environmental justice, economic opportunities, and educational equity.

Get to know the selected institutions:
Education Fund
Associação Bem Comum – São Paulo, São Paulo
Associação MEGAEDU – São Paulo, São Paulo
Centro Educacional da Juventude Padre João Piamarta – Fortaleza, Ceará
Coletivo de Mulheres do Xingu – Altamira, Pará
Instituto de Pesquisa da Diversidade Intercultural – IPEDI – Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul
Instituto Vini. Jr – Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
NOSSO Movimento pelo Bem Estar no Brasil – São Paulo, São Paulo
Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré – Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Environment and Climate Change Fund
Ação Ecológica Guaporé – Liberdade, Rondônia | Amazônia
Associação dos(as) Produtores(as) Agroecológicos(as) do Semiárido Piauiense – APASPI – São Raimundo Nonato, Piauí | Caatinga
Associação Mulheres em Ação de Jequiá da Praia – Jequiá da Praia, Alagoas | Marinho-Costeiro
Associação Nossa Amazônia – ANAMA – Mazagão, Amapá | Amazônia
Instituto Terraviva – Maceió, Alagoas | Caatinga
Instituto Homem Pantaneiro – Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul | Pantanal
Jardim Botânico Mborayhu – São Paulo, São Paulo | Mata Atlântica
SAVE Brasil – São Paulo, São Paulo | Pampa