São Gonçalo Women’s Movement promotes event for Women in the Municipality

29/03/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

On Wednesday, March 30th, 2011, at 9:30 PM the Joaquim Lavoura Cultural Center will welcome the V Acontece Mulher (V Women Happening) event. Organized by the Secretaria de Integração e Políticas para as Mulheres (The Secretary for Women’s Policy and Integration), the event has the support of the Movimento de Mulheres em São Gonçalo (Women’s Movement in São Gonçalo.

The Women’s Movement in São Gonçalo was a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2010,  with the Promotores da Vida Project (Promoters of Life Project), which took debates on issues of sexuality to public schools, emphasizing sexual and reproductive rights through seminars and discussion groups.

To learn more about the Women’s Movement in São Gonçalo, visit: http://www.movimentomulheressg.com.br