Selected Projects 2017

25/04/2017 • Publicado em

Dear friends,

After months of careful review, we are proud to announce the projects to receive investment in 2017 through our Call for Proposals. This investment would not be possible without the support of donors, sponsors, volunteers and partners.

The 2017 BrazilFoundation Project Selection was held by invitation only. Every two years there is an open call for proposals, and every other year, we invite organizations to submit proposals who are recommended by our network of partners or whose proposals were not chosen in the previous year. In October 2016 we invited 72 organizations to submit proposals. We are proud to announce funding for 32 of them.

Among the selected projects are those which focus on several contemporary themes, including: projects focused on immigrants and refugees, mothers and children affected by the Zika virus, and the upholding of LGBT rights. Other important themes include promoting fiscal transparency in government, social enterprise and small business incubation, technology training, access to higher education, advocacy to prevent accidents among children and youth, and environmental protection.

R$ 848,000 will be invested in grants for these initiatives. Besides receiving financial support, each grantee’s leadership will receive training in capacity building workshops, held this year in partnership with ABCR. In addition to these 32 grants, BrazilFoundation will invest R$ 150,000 in exchanges and collaborative projects as well as R$351,000 in 54 initiatives through the II Community Innovation Award. Altogether, the program investment for the first semester of 2017 will be over R$ 1.4 million.

These investments were only made possible because of numerous partnerships, companies, individuals and volunteers – to whom we extend our deepest gratitude. We thank our program partners Fundação Affonso Brandal Hennel, the EM Fund, the Franscesconi Tisch Fund, as well as LaTAM Airlines.

In the second semester of this year we will launch a public Call for Proposals.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at:

Below is the list of projects to receive funding through the 2017 Call for Proposals:

Programmatic Area:

Education & Culture

Socioeconomic Development

Social Enterprise


Human Rights & Civic Engagement


Education & Culture

1. Ahimsa Associação Educacional

Estimulando Comunicação
São Paulo, SP
Care for Families and Children Who Are Blind, Deaf, or Living With Multiple-Sensory Disorders.

2. Associação Abraço Cultural

Abraço Cultural – Investindo para Integrar
São Paulo, SP
Language School Providing Income and Inclusion for the Refugee Community in Brazil.

3. Associação das Comunidades Periféricas de Vitória da Conquista

Encrespar: A Arte da Beleza Estética Negra
Vitória da Conquista, BA
Fostering the Artistic, Economic and Social Potential of Youth from Vitória da Conquista.

4. Associação Tavma, Oficina do Futuro

Oficina do Futuro
Santos, SP
Sociocultural Workshops for Children and Adolescents in Santos.

5. Conselho das Associações Quilombolas do Território Sudoeste da Bahia

Juventude Quilombola Fortalecida no Ensino Superior
Vitória da Conquista, BA
Access to Higher Education for Youth in Quilombola Communities.

6. Instituto Gerando Falcões

Curso de Tecnologia para Jovens da Periferia
São Paulo, SP
Training in Technology and Entrepreneurship for Youth from Poá.

7. Instituto Mundo Aflora

Transformando Concreto em Sonhos
São Paulo, SP
Fostering Talents of Justice-Involved Girls Who Are Reintegrating Back into Society.

8. Migraflix

Projeto Hackaton: Desenvolver soluções para os principais desafios enfrentados por imigrantes e refugiados no Brasil
São Paulo, SP
Income Generation Opportunities for Immigrants and Refugees.

9. Moinho Cultural

Projeto NUTEC – Moinho Cultural: Tecnologia Audiovisual
Corumbá, MS
Training in the Audiovisual Field for Children Living near the Bolivian Border.

10. Ser Cidadão

Acesso ao Ensino Técnico ou Superior
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Higher Education and Job Access for Youth from Santa Cruz.


Socioeconomic Development

11. Casa Do Rio

Centro de Saberes da Floresta
Tupana, AM
Creating an Innovation Center for Women and Youth in the Riverside Community of Tupana.

12. Cooperativa Caroá/ADEL

Cooperativa Caroá
Pentecoste, CE
Supporting the Creation of a Rural Co-op Led by Young, Rural Farmers.

13. Coopercriapa – Cooperativa de criadores de Abelhas Nativas da APA de Guaraqueçaba

Mel de Abelhas Nativas – Ouro do Futuro
Antonina, PR
Boosting Beekeeping as a Source of Income in the Community.

14. Fundação Brasil Cidadão

Tecendo a Arte da Cidadania
Icapuí, CE
Strengthening and Expanding New Women’s Groups to Increase Income Generation.

15. Fundação Pedro Américo – TemperArt – Coorperativa de Temperos Gourmets com Arte

Temperart – Cooperativa de Temperos Gourmets com Arte
Campina Grande, PB
Income Generation for Women Through the Production of Organic Herbs and Seasonings.

16. Instituto Elos

Guerreiros Sem Armas
Santos, SP
Utilizing an Award-Winning Method to Foster Leadership and Community Engagement.

17. Instituto Mídia Étnica

Ujamaa – Acelerando Pequenos Negócios em Salvador
Salvador, BA
Providing Mentoring and Technical Training for Small Businesses in Salvador.

18. Instituto Rã-bugio para Conservação da Biodiversidade

Água e Biodiversidade da Serra do Mar
Jaraguá do Sul, SC
Environmental Education and River Cleanup in Serra do Mar, Jaraguá do Sul.

19. Rede Nacional Pro Unidades de Conservação

Eco-líderes: Formação de Lideranças para um Brasil Naturalmente mais Justo
Curitiba, PR
Young Leaders Working to Conserve Biodiversity in Brazil.


Social Enterprise

20. Fala Roça

Legalize o Fala Roça!
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Formalizing the Communications Group Fala Roça in Rocinha.

21. Renovatio

Ótica Popular Verbem
São Paulo, SP
Providing Access to Quality, Low-Cost Eyeglasses.

22. Visionários

Maker Quebrada
São Paulo, SP
Incubating Social Enterprises as a Transformation Tool for Youth from the Outskirts of São Paulo.



23. Instituto Movimento e Vida

Projeto Paloma
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Physiotherapy Promoting Health for Residents of Complexo do Alemão.

24. Criança Segura | Safe Kids Brasil

Criança Segura – Uma Causa de Todos
São Paulo, SP
Preventing Accidents that Involve Children and Adolescents.


Human Rights & Civic Engagement

25. Abraço a Microcefalia

Construção de Cartilha de Acessibilidade e Inclusão: Convivendo com as Diferenças
Salvador, BA
Providing Care and Educational Support for Children and Families Affected by Zika.

26. Anis – Instituto de Bioética

Fortalecimento Comunitário de Mulheres em Tempos de Zika
Brasilia, DF
Awareness, Rights, and Social Support for Mothers and Pregnant Women of Children with Zika.

27. Carlotas

Oficinas Explore Carlotas de Educação Lúdica para Adolescentes na Fundação Casa/SP
São Paulo, SP
Using Art and Games to Help Adolescents Transform Their Interpersonal Relationships.

28. Associação Cor e Esperança

Fiscalize Agora
Igarapé, MG
Orienting the Public to Accompany and Monitor the Country’s Political Activities.

29. Grupo Matizes

Direitos por Inteiro e não pela Metade
Teresina, PI
Promoting Advocacy to Implement Policies That Uphold LGBTQ Rights.

30. Pontes de Amor

Missão de Amor
Uberlândia, MG
Providing Social, Family and Community Support for Children in Fostercare or Undergoing Adoption.

31. Projeto Linyon

Escola de Integração
Curitiba, PR
Cultural Preparation for Immigrants and Refugees to Enter the Workforce.

32. Renascer Mulher

Hoje Menina, Amanhã Mulher
Salvador, BA
Leadership and Personal Development for Girls in the Outskirts of Salvador.