The Network of Women Producers of Pajeú Wins 3rd Place in Award from the Brazilian Government

18/03/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

The Network of Women Producers of Pajeú (The Rede de Mulheres Produtoras do Pajeú)–a 2010 grantee–won 3rd place for the Award for Rural Women for a Sustainable Brazil (Prêmio Mulheres Rurais que Produzem o Brasil Sustentável) awarded by the Brazilian Government. The initiative, supported by the Special Secretary of Policies for Women of the Republic (Secretária Especial de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República), selected 10 organizations created by women who live rural areas. The award granted R$20,000 to each organization.


Since 2005 the Network of Women Producers of Pajeú has worked to encourage the economic inclusion of women from this region of Pernambuco through the goal of facilitating access to information and inducing income generation. The Network today includes more than 30 groups and 450 women.