Two BrazilFoundation grantees are among the finalists of the Folha de Sao Paulo and Schwab Foundation 2011 Social Entrepreneur Award

24/10/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

José Dias, founder of CEPFS- Center for Popular Education and Social Training, a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2006, 2008 and 2011; and Dagmar Darroux, founder and director of Casa do Zezinho, a grantee in 2003, are among the 11 finalists for the 2011 Social Entrepreneur Award. The Award, which is a partnership between Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper and the Schwab Foundation, aims to identify social leaders across the country. In Brazil, the competition had five phases and 272 people from 24 Brazilian states competed.

CEPFS, which is participating in the project BrazilFoundation 10 Years, is responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of innovative technologies to capture, manage and treat the water that will be used throughout the year. In the area of genetic resources, the organization runs the “Banco de Sementes Comunitários” (Seed Bank) project that facilitates access to seeds for the local community. Also, the strengthening of community ties contributes to the implementation of a community fund, which supports the development of social enterprises and is a relief fund for local families.

Casa do Zezinho aims to create conditions for at risk children and youth from poor to overcome the limitations they face in the environment they live. The organization offers education, art and culture workshops, professional tutoring, cultural activities and sports.

The winners will be announced on November 9th, 2011.