Universidade da Correria at Google for Entrepreneurs Week: Technology and Social Entrepreneurship

24/10/2014 • Publicado em Grantees

Google for Entrepreneurs Week held its first edition in Brazil last week across 8 different cities, one of the locations being Complexo do Alemão, in Rio de Janeiro.  The annual event, hosted by Google, celebrates and promotes entrepreneurship and innovation.

The event was held in partnership with the Universidade da Correria, an organization supported by BrazilFoundation that promotes entrepreneurship in communities in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Successful entrepreneurs from the favela had the opportunity to partake in workshops and exchange experiences with each other. At a master class led by the Universidade da Correria, participants pitched their business plans to potential investors.

“What I hope to get from this course is to learn as much as possible and to develop and sustain my business somehow.” – Lorraine Braga, entrepreneur

Google for Entrepreneurs Week, which is in its third edition, provides financial support and resources for dozens of co-working spaces in communities in 125 countries. The organization works in places where entrepreneurs can connect and create companies that  have the capability to transform the world through technology and innovation.

Over 4500 entrepreneurs have participated in events over the past three years in 45 cities and 31 countries.

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