BrazilFoundation Visits New EPC Site in Paramoti

12/04/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Paramoti, a small city in rural Ceará, now has a new school for students preparing for the “vestibular” university entrance exam. The vice-president of BrazilFoundation, Susane Worcman, attended the inauguration of the building on March 19 ; she was very moved when she learned that the Escola Popular Cooperative (Popular Cooperative School), EPC Paramoti, was able to use the resources allocated for building one classroom toward constructing the entire building.

Luciano Santos, father of a former student of Programa de Educação de Células Cooperativas (Cooperative Educational Program ), PRECE, took on the construction project voluntarily. The building has an auditorium (used as a classroom), two dormitories, a library, computer lab and a kitchen. Twenty-five local students are already beginning to study for the 2013 vestibular.

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EPC Paramoti is an initiative of Aurenir Luz, a former student at PRECE, where cooperative learning is encouraged and then disseminated to the surrounding communities by the PRECE students.  Around 500 students have already entered in the Federal University of Ceará through the program.

The resources for the construction project came from BrazilFoundation and from the fundraising campaign on the Global Giving website. The building is still unfinished and lacks furnishings, for this reason the campaign remains ongoing. To contribute, click here.