Vocational training and the labor market: Tyco course opens opportunities for youth in Rio

12/02/2014 • Publicado em Uncategorized

To celebrate the third year of a partnership with TYCO and the Marquis of Salamanca Institute, the Carioca Fund of BrazilFoundation celebrates the graduation of class of students, who will enter the electronic security market in Rio de Janeiro. The class was comprised of 30 young students between the ages of 18 and 26 who live in the outlying areas of Santa Teresa and who enrolled in the class to develop skills that strengthen their potential to enter into a segment of the labor market that grows increasingly in Rio de Janeiro.

The program featured collaborative classes that integrate theory and practice and offer monthly aid and scholarships, full scholarships for English course, and the values ​​necessary to thrive in the field of work. Along with the participation of families, a psychologist accompanied the entire project, overseeing workshops in group dynamics.

The graduation, held in December 2013, was planned and organized by the students themselves , gathered the 30 graduates , their families and welcomed representatives of companies that already intend to hire them. Now, the idea is to accompany the work of these young people as they go through the selection processes and record their achievements and learning.