Women for Women Project in New York Supports Associação Arquitetos sem Fronteiras

27/04/2016 • Publicado em Institutional News

Women for Women Project in New York Supports Associação Arquitetos sem Fronteiras


Forty women gathered in New York on April 20th to learn about Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Apoio Comunitário, IBEAC’s project “Sementeiras de Direitos”, a BrazilFoundation grantee coordinated by Bel Santos. The project trains young mothers in São Paulo about human rights, women’s rights, and gender relations.

After recieving training, the women share their knowledge throughout the Parelheiros community with the objective of fighting social problems including: violence against women and children, teenage pregnancy, and school evasion.

“The Sementeiras de Direitos group is composed of women who gather to talk about affection, care, and memory in the mother-child relationship”, says Bel Santos Mayer, Project Coordinator at IBEAC.

The Women for Women gathering in New York was an opportunity for donors to meet a leader of one of the social projects supported by BrazilFoundation. Hosted by Fabienne Lamont, Cristiana Mascarenhas, Jeane Muniz and Karla Fernandes-Vogel, the event raised US$8,000 for project “Arquitetura na Periferia”. Located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, the project trains women who live in inadequate housing to perform their own house renovations.

The Women for Women Project was created in 2014, and has since mobilized more than 250 people in the United States and Brazil, transforming the lives of 2,500 Brazilians.

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