Women on the Vanguard of Social Investment

22/02/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Leona Forman, Founder of BrazilFoundation, participated in a debate “Mulheres na Vanguarda do Investimento Social” (Women in the Vanguard of Social Investment) in December in Santa Catarina. Leona spoke about the importance of volunteerism for nonprofit organizations and about the obstacles that BrazilFoundation faced while establishing itself as a nonprofit. “We felt it necessary to show the value of investing in social causes in Brazil, and that is exactly what we did,” Leona said.

The event was organized by Revista Voto and is part of the series “Brasil de Ideias” (Brazil of Ideas), which holds monthly discussions on a given theme. The meeting took place at the Porto Alegre Country Club and was attended by the Ministra da Secretaria Especial de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República (the Minister of the Special Secretary for Human Rights of the President of the Republic), Maria do Rosário, and the president of the NGO Parceiros Voluntários (Volunteer Partners), Maria Elena Johannpeter.

See the full story in the Revista Voto (Page 54).