Associação Beneficente de Assistência Social, Saúde e Educação para Todos – ABASSET

Cuiabá, Mato Grosso
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Ações de Educação e Prevenção Junto aos Profissionais do Sexo em Pontos Estratégicos do Município de Várzea Grande

Because of prejudice, taboos and misconceptions, addressing sexual health and rights presents numerous social obstacles and challenges. ABASSET was created in 2008 to serve low-income communities by producing workshops on STD and AIDS prevention in schools and businesses, awareness campaigns, courses on topics including sexuality & family planning, and the distribution of prophylactics. Answering repeated demands by women’s rights groups around the globe, the UN has begun to reformulate its international Sexual and Reproductive Rights treaties to explicitly extend protections to the most vulnerable, suppressed populations.

With BrazilFoundation’s support, ABASSET will provide access to health services and, in parallel, promote alternative income-generating activities to sex workers, a population that generally suffers from extreme social exclusion. The services provided will include rapid STI and HIV/AIDS testing along with continued monitoring and services for the duration of the project. For ABASSET, this is initiative of social justice, believing that education, prevention and the promotion of health go hand-in-hand with human and civil rights.