Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola e Comunitário da Lagoa da Boa Vista

Seabra, BA
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Socioeconomic Development

Mulheres Construindo Esperança e Cidadania

Income Generation Opportunities for Women in Lagoa Boa Vista Through the Production of Fruit Goods

Eighty percent of women in the farming community of Seabra live in precarious socioeconomic conditions, which are intensified by high birth rates and their inability to find employment outside the community. Located in the Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia, the community sees high rates of depression and other disorders.

Founded in the small agricultural community of Lagoa da Boa Vista in 2001, ADAC promotes financial sustainability for women through educational, cultural and community-building initiatives, having already benefited 600 families since its inception. The Mulheres Construindo project will help build and equip a small factory for processing natural pulp from fruit that would otherwise be discarded during the production process. The products will then be sold to generate income for the women, turning a situation of waste and hardship into one of independence.

With support from BrazilFoundation, ADAC will:

• Build and equip a factory to process fruit pulp;
• Provide training for women;
• Commercialize fruit pulp;
• Facilitate proper fruit disposal.


  • Factory built and equipped
  • Commercialize fruit goods
  • Income generation for women