Associação de Estudantes de Paramoti

Paramoti, Ceará
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Aprendendo e Cooperando

In Rural Ceará, Manoel de Andrade, Professor at the state’s Federal University, created the Program for Education through Cooperative Learning (PRECE): study groups based on Cooperative Learning methodologies, which encourage the program’s own graduates as well as recent university students to return the community to tutor the next generation of young learners. Aurenir Luz was one such student, introduced to PRECE in 2005.

Confronted with a lack of access to higher education in her community, Aurenir founded the People’s Cooperative School of Paramoti (EPC), one of the program’s 17 branches. Aurenir is now a college graduate, president of the Student Association of Paramoti (ASSEP) and the coordinator of the EPC. With the support of BrazilFoundation, ASSEP and EPC will help prepare rural young people to pass the college entrance exams. Youth are also encouraged to become advocates in their communities, bringing together other students and expanding the network of PRECE groups, which have already contributed to the education of over 400 students.