Associação de Moradores do Quilombo de Acauã

Poço Branco, Rio Grande do Norte
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Cultura para a Cidadania Quilombola

In Brazil there are ethnic groups known as “quilombolas,” consisting of descendants of slaves, who resisted slavery and fled to form small settlements called “quilombos.” These groups have fought for decades for the recognition of their ancestral lands and for the preservation of their culture. In 2007, with the support of BrazilFoundation and the legal counsel of the Núcleo de Estudos Brasileiros (Center for Brazilian Studies,) the Quilombo Acauã located in Poco Branco, Rio Grande do Norte, obtained the title to their land, a milestone in the history of the community.

This achievement set the precedent for 42 other quilombola communities in the region. The Association also seeks to revitalize their local culture. According to historian Jair Ferreira, the last cultural event at the quilombo occurred fifty years ago. In 2008, with the continued support of BrazilFoundation, Angola capoeira workshops were provided, and cultural practices were strengthened and disseminated amongst the younger generations. The community was also strengthened by the reinstitution of community cooking, recycling programs, and workshops of objects made with recycled plastic bottles.