Associação dos Produtores de Artesanato, Gestores Culturais e Artistas de Icó – (APROARTI)

Icó, CE
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Socioeconomic Development

Icó Bordando sua História com Arte e Cultura

Income Generation for 150 Women in Rural Ceará

Icó, a small city in rural Ceará, is considered a National Historic Landmark by IPHAN, and has a rich cultural, artistic and architectural history. In 2005, APROARTI, which aims to support the artisans in Icó by promoting their work and valuing the cultural history of the city. The organization encourages the productive capacity of embroiderers, and supports the sale of their handmade, high quality crafts both in rural and urban marketplaces. Among other activities, APROARTI offers courses in Rococo embroidery, a craft that is inspired by local architecture and that is exclusive to the region. The products are sold in their associated store, and in fairs both in the region and even outside Brazil.

With support from BrazilFoundation, APROARTI will:

• Expand an initiative previously funded by BrazilFoundation, reaching 150 more women in four rural districts;
• Organize four women’s working groups.;
• Install and equip permanent workshops so that the project can grow and continue.


Train 150 women
4 work groups
Launch a permanent studio