Casa da Árvore

Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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Education and Culture

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Cuidando de Quem Cuida: Projeto de Formação para Professores de Creches Comunitárias

Training caregivers at community daycare centers in Rio de Janeiro

Casa da Árvore was started in 2001 to support parents, families, educators and health care providers in communities in precarious social situations. The objective was to help these people create a favorable environment for the healthy development of children by encouraging social relationships that foster the mental well-being of children and that mitigate the negative mental effects of violence.

The organization works in collaboration with local daycare centers, offering training classes for educators. Today, one of the greatest challenges faced is the lack of investment in preparing these educators adequately. A good number of them are women who live in the communities and are at a disadvantage because they have not developed the necessary skills to work in this field.

With support from BrazilFoundation, the project will:

• Train 32 professionals in childhood education from the day care centers;
• Offer workshops, talks and study groups on childhood care;
• Strengthen support system for 4 daycare centers that attend to 206 children between the ages of 0 and 6;
• Improve the quality of care for young children.
• Strengthen support for 4 daycare centers

“We believe that placing yourself in the shoes of another is essential in order to change the attitudes of educators.” – Julia Milman, coordinator at Casa da Árvore