Institute for Development and Human Rights (IDDH)

Joinville, SC
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Educar Direitos Humanos – Capacitando escolas para a cidadania no Brasil

Supporting teacher training and strengthening education, human rights and civic engagement through a digital platform

The Guideline and Basic Education Law establishes that curriculum is obliged to recognize the diffusion of values, rights and duties fundamental to the community. Therefore, it is necessary to empower teachers in Human Rights education starting in elementary school, creating young citizens aware of their role in society.

IDDH is a member organization of the Working Group on Human Rights Education and Learning (Geneva / Switzerland) with seat on the National Committee on Human Rights Education and consultative status with the UN, which works to train and sensitize teachers and educational coordinators in the education and expansion of the Human Rights awareness in Joinville’s public schools.

The Virtual Platform will expand the initiative to the entire Teaching Network and ensure that the city teachers have the appropriate training and methodology to work with human rights themes in their classrooms, focusing on democratic participation, combating sexual and gender violence and discrimination of vulnerable groups in the school setting and in civil society.

With support from BrazilFoundation, IDDH will:

•Expand upon and systematize its content;
•Create an Interactive Platform;
• Provide training for Public Schools;
• Disseminate information in the media, education forums and on social media.


Public schools dealing with citizenship and human rights issues
Training and methodology for 3,000 public school teachers
76 public school systems reached

“Taking the opportunity […] the integration of this topic in school curriculum is a challenge that can be achieved with the aid of educational technology.” -Fernanda Lapa,IDDH founder