Instituto de Incentivo à Criança e ao Adolescente de Mogi Mirim – ICA

Mogi Mirim, São Paulo
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Carpe Diem

ICA was founded in 1997 to provide children from poor communities of Mogi Mirim with after-school activities. The ongoing work helps in the socialization and development of the children, building a suitable and stimulating environment for approaching educational topics. Over the years, the organization expanded its activities and expanded its capacity, and it now serves over 1,900 students.

ICA has created a best practice methodology in art education, earning the respect and recognition of the community. Nowadays, the center multiplies its methodologies in two well-regarded social welfare centers, three local schools and other social organizations. In 2009 ICA was designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)*.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.