“Action for Life” (Ações pela Vida) Workshop Discusses Issues Faced by People Living with HIV/AIDS

08/10/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

The Fênix Association (Associação Fênix) held its second “Action for Life” (Ações pela Vida) Workshop in Curitiba on October 3-6, which brought together young people throughout Brazil who live with HIV and AIDS, along with their families, professionals, community leaders and institutions who have joined the fight against AIDS. The Fênix Association is a BrazilFoundation grantee this year. BrazilFoundation also attended the event, represented by Project Monitoring Coordinator Clarissa Worcman.

The conference gave the participants the opportunity to discuss and learn, discussing topics that the people with HIV/AIDS and their families face. Participants were divided into groups by age to discuss topics such as: education, health, human rights, violence, sexuality, family, living with HIV/AIDS. At the end of each workshop, the groups prepare a document with the most relevant issues that will be incorporated in a single document to be shown at the National Conference on Health.

The conference takes place every four years with the purpose of evaluating the state of quality of health in Brazil and educating government officials on the actions that must take place on a local, state and national level.

Learn more about the Fênix Association here: www.fenixacoespelavida.org.br