Gisele Bündchen and BrazilFoundation announce support to preserve Brazilian biomes

19/07/2022 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Gisele Bündchen and BrazilFoundation announce support for seven organizations working to preserve Brazilian biomes

In line with the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration goals, the Luz Alliance Fund, created by model and philanthropist Gisele Bündchen, in partnership with BrazilFoundation, will support civil society organizations working to preserve and rehabilitate ecosystems for the good of both people and nature. Brazil is the most biodiverse place on the planet, with each of its biomes hosting a variety of vegetation and fauna.

The fund aims to not just provide financial support to help realize the projects, but also spread awareness about the importance of maintaining the ecosystems in harmony and preserving our natural resources and biodiversity for our generation and those to come.

Rehabilitating ecosystems helps improve quality of life and brings economic benefits that are crucial for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals that impact all of society.

The organizations selected through this partnership will contribute to biodiversity conservation by protecting and rehabilitating ecosystems, species and water springs, as well as promoting more sustainable livelihoods.

Learn about the selected initiatives:

Pantanal Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: PANTANAL

Associação Onçafari | Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul

Organizational mission: Promote fauna and natural habitat conservation through ecotourism, science, environmental education, partnerships to acquire and protect natural areas, the rehabilitation and reintroduction of wild animals, and the engagement and socioeconomic development of local communities.

Project: The objective is to reduce retaliatory and “preventative” hunting of jaguars in areas for cattle grazing by introducing replicable and financially viable practices for small and large farmers.
Cerrado Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: CERRADO

Instituto das Águas da Serra da Bodoquena – IASB | Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul

Organizational mission: Water conservation in Serra da Bodoquena

Project: Design joint solutions between private and environmental sectors to protect water springs, restore riparian forests and create awareness among rural, independent farmers on the importance of soil and water source conservation.
Amazonia Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: AMAZÔNIA

Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental Kanindé | Terra Indígena Uru-eu-wau-wau – Rondônia, RO

Organizational mission: Promote harmony between man and nature, while striving for fair and responsible development.

Project: Implement two agroforest hectares on the Uru-eu-wau-wau indigenous lands to help 30 indigenous families become food secure, generate income and to protect their land.
Pampa Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: PAMPA

Sociedade para a Conservação das Aves do Brasil – SAVE Brasil | Rio Grande do Sul

Organizational mission: Environmental and avian conservation to connect people to nature.

Project: Reduce biodiversity loss in the native Pampa biome fields by pasture monitoring and impact management, and by disseminating good sustainable farming practices.
Caatinga Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: CAATINGA

Aquasis – Associação de Pesquisa e Preservação de Ecossistemas Aquáticos | Caucaia, Ceará

Organizational mission: To promote biodiversity conservation and encourage mindset changes for a sustainable world.

Project: Preservation of endangered Caatinga fauna through environmental and water management – water storage and distribution technologies and policies in Chapada do Araripe.
Mata Atlantica Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: MATA ATLÂNTICA

Amigos de Iracambi | Serra do Brigadeiro, MG

Organizational mission: Save forests, transform lives!

Project: Foster healthy and balanced water systems in the Muriaé River Basin, increasing forest coverage at water recharge areas, around springs and in riparian forests, in partnership with communities in the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park damping zones.
Costeiro-Marinho Luz Alliance BrazilFoundationBioma: COSTEIRO – MARINHO

Fundação Projeto Tamar | Praia do Forte, Bahia

Organizational mission: Since the 1980’s, this coastal organization has led with the mission of restoring sea turtles through research, conservation and social inclusion.

Project: Support and improve environmental awareness efforts, sea turtle research and conservation in Praia do Forte. Contribute to sea turtle research and conservation efforts by creating an app to monitor and protect their nests, as well as improving the Fundação Projeto Tamar visitor’s center in Praia do Forte.