US$11k Raised for Projects Helping Those Affected by Zika

06/12/2016 • Publicado em Campaigns

US$11k Raised for Projects Helping Those
Affected by Zika

Last night more than 120 people gathered at Vandal lounge to raise resources for the Foundation’s End of the Year Campaign, an initiative going through December to mobilize funds for projects that benefit mothers and children affected by Zika in Brazil. More than US$11,000 was raised through ticket sales and a silent auction, enough to fund the project Anis – Instituto Bioética, an organization that works with families and children in Alagoas and Paraíba. The amount falls short of the US$15,000 goal – the total amount needed to fund Abraço Microcefalia, in Salvador, as well. BrazilFoundation sends a warm thank you to Vandal for donating their space, Luciana Curtis for hosting the event, in-kind sponsor Leblon Cachaça, all auction donors, and our volunteers and host committee.


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If you could not be with us last night, you can still make a donation here: