2018 Call for Proposals – Selected Projects

05/03/2018 • Published in

2018 Call for Proposals – Selected Projects

BrazilFoundation is proud to announce support for 43 social initiatives across 15 Brazilian states through its 2018 Call for Proposals. A total of R$ 1,000,0000 will be invested through grants. In addition to receiving financial support, the social initiatives will also receive technical support and mentoring, as well as scholarships to attend training workshops in partnership with ABCR, opportunities to participate in leadership exchange programs, and additional resources to exchange project methodologies.

We received 1189 proposals from across Brazil in the areas of Education, Culture, Human Rights, Civic Engagement, Socioeconomic Development, Health and Social Enterprise. This Call for Proposals was geared towards small and medium-sized organizations and social startups, offering seed investment. The call was also aimed at initiatives that show great potential to transform their communities, but that often outside the radar of other social investors.

Approximately half of the resources will be invested in 23 initiatives in the area of ​​Education and Culture. Among the projects selected are: a platform created by teachers to support educational projects; ENEM and college entrance exam preparation courses; initiatives that promote social inclusion through sport; local communication projects; and an entrepreneurial education initiative created by public school alumni to make changes in their schools.

In the other programmatic areas the project themes include: professional training for formerly-incarcerated women; income generation for young immigrants and refugees; workforce inclusion for the homeless; platforms for political education and civic engagement; health advocacy, and assistance to mothers for paternity acknowledgement.

The resources for these grants were raised from benefit dinners held in New York, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro; from the Vivo à Beira; and program partnerships with the Garcia Family, the Hees Foundation, and the E.M. Fund. We thank LATAM, an important institutional partner of more than a decade who has supported the travel logistics for our selection process and trainings; and our event sponsors and fundraising committees.

We know that there is still much to be done, and that many excellent proposals were not selected to receive funding. In the second semester of this year we will invite 30 organizations that were not selected to submit proposals for a new round of funding. In the first half of 2018 we will also be launching the third edition of our Community Innovation Award , which will fund an additional 50 to 60 initiatives.

f you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at: edital@brazilfoundation.org.

Press: press@brazilfoundation.org.

Below is the list of projects to receive funding through the 2018 Call for Proposals:

Programmatic Area:

Education & Culture

Socioeconomic Development

Social Enterprise


Human Rights & Civic Engagement


Education & Culture

1. Ame o Tucunduba

Fala Tucunduba
Belém, PA
Teaching young leaders to create local change and manage the region’s water resources

2. Associação Cultural e Artística História em Construção

Morro Verde
Belo Horizonte, MG
Promoting education and integration through a community garden

3. Associação Move Cultura

Escola Livre de Artes Digitais
Contagem, MG
Training public school students in new technologies and incubating their projects

4. Associação Somos Professores

Professores que Sonham, Ensinam a Sonhar
Recife, PE
Improving Pernambuco’s public schools through an online platform that provides support and resources for educational projects

5. Associação Um Chute para o Futuro

Digitando o Futuro
Foz do Iguaçu, PR
Computer literacy providing future opportunities for children and fostering local community development

6. Associação Vida Plena de Mesquita

Mesquita, RJ
Improving the academic performance and community involvement of children through activities that facilitate their overall development

7. Camerata Laranjeiras

Um Toque de Empreendedorismo ‐ Empreendendo com Arte
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Developing musical, professional and personal skills in young musicians

8. Carrapicho Virtual

Carrapicho: Educomunicação e Ecoturismo
Juazeiro, BA
Training youth in the audiovisual field, using tourism, to create income generation opportunities and prevent the rural exodus

9. Centro Popular de Cultura e Desenvolvimento – CPCD (Renewed Support)

Sementinha: A Escola debaixo do Pé de Manga
Araçuaí, MG
Promoting a Pre-School Education That Involves the Community and Local Culture

10. Doar.Educa

Belo Horizonte, MG
ENEM and college entrance exam prep in Belo Horizonte

11. Emancipa

Emancipa – Cursinho Popular Pré Universitário
Porto Alegre, RS
ENEM and college entrance exam prep to facilitate educational and job opportunities

12. Embaixadores de Minas

Embaixadores da Escola
Belo Horizonte, MG
Fostering leadership in children for them to be agents of change in their schools and communities

13. Fabriqueta de Marcenaria

Formação de Novos Jovens
Araçuaí, MG
Training youth in the traditional woodworking and blacksmithing trades for income generation opportunities

14. Grupo Cultura Urbana

Jovens Campeões
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Using sport to promote the social inclusion and development of children and youth

15. Instituto Alma Rugby

+ ESPORTES + VALORES – Vencer pelos Valores do Rugby
São Paulo, SP
Promoting leadership, inclusion and academics for children through rugby

16. Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos (IDDH)

Educar Direitos Humanos: Capacitando Escolas para a Cidadania no Brasil
Joinville, SC
Supporting teacher training and strengthening education, human rights and civic engagement through a digital platform

17. Instituto Irradiar

Projeto Irradiando Conhecimento
São Cristóvão, SE
Facilitating basic literacy for children as a foundation for future learning

18. Instituto Mano Down

Alfabetizar para Empoderar
Belo Horizonte, MG
Training teachers to improve literacy instruction to people with Down Syndrome

19. Instituto Social Casa de Mãe

Ateliê Social
Nova Lima, MG
Professional training in sewing and printing for women in Jardim Canadá

20. ONERio

“Eu Quero Ser”
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Educational inclusion and personal development for youth through rugby

21. Projeto Viela

São Paulo, SP
Academic reinforcement to improve literacy for children and adolescents in Jardim São Luís

22. Revoar

Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Developing personal and vocational skills for justice-involved youth

23. Urece Esporte e Cultura

Construindo um Amanhã com Igualdade
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Training public school teachers to teach students who are visually-impaired, promoting their autonomy and overall respect for differences


Socioeconomic Development

24. Ação Solidária às Pessoas com Câncer ASPEC

Construindo Produtos para Reconstrução de Cidadania
Belo Horizonte, MG
Income generation opportunities for cancer patients and their families by repurposing food waste

25. Associação De Quebradeiras de Coco e Trabalhadores Rurais de Augustinópolis

Artesanato das Quebradeiras de Coco
Augustinópolis, TO
Providing resources and market access to women to expand the production and sale of pressed babassu coconut oil

26. Associação Nossa Senhora de Loreto

Trabalho, Renda e Solidariedade em Rede
São Luís, MA
Strengthening a network of women and youth entrepreneurs to increase incomes

27. Centro de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania do Imigrante (CDHIC)

Co-criando Inovação
São Paulo, SP
Social inclusion and income generation for young immigrants and refugees through the creative economy

28. Gênero Importa

Empreendedoras Populares
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Supporting women street vendors to strengthen their roles as valuable entrepreneurs in the urban economy

29. Instituto de Permacultura EcoVida São Miguel (Renewed Support)

Agroecologia e Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Base Comunitária
São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras, MG
Promoção da permacultura e do uso de tecnologias ecológicas sustentáveis de baixo custo e alto impacto social


Social Enterprise

30. Associação Eco Garopaba

Garopaba Recicla
Garopaba, SC
Producing surf boards from plastic bottles to teach environmental awareness

31. Ciclo Orgânico (Renewed Support)

Transformando o que Antes era Lixo em Fonte de Vida
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Creating Sustainable Composting Systems That Process Tons of Organic Waste Daily

32. Instituto Virando o Jogo – Mudando Vidas – Mudavidas

Resgatando a Dignidade e a Autoestima
São Paulo, SP
Social enterprise focused on job placement for the homeless



33. Mama Ekos

Casa Mama Ekos
Maués, AM
Bringing together midwifery knowledge and health professionals to promote healthier pregnancies in the Amazon region


Human Rights & Civic Engagement

34. Associação Movimento Mãe Águia de Combate à Violência Sexual Cometida Contra Crianças e Adolescentes

Tecendo Conhecimento em Rede
Campo Grande, MS
Promoting collaboration to fight sexual violence against children and adolescents

35. Associação Nacional de Avaliação, Atenção e Amparo a Saúde (Movimento Chega de Descaso)

Movimento Chega de Descaso
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Providing legal assistance, information and an online platform to facilitate the reporting of health system violations

36. Associação Pernambucana das Mães Solteiras APEMAS

Paternidade Direito de Todos & Todas
Recife, PE
Providing legal guidance to mothers to facilitate acknowledgement of paternity and child support

37. Associação Semente da Vida Cidade de Deus

Portal Comunitário da Cidade de Deus
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Using communications as a tool for youth from City of God to be leaders and uphold their rights

38. Cooperativa Social de Trabalho Arte Feminina Empreendedora “COOSTAFE”

Costurando Vidas
Ananindeua, PA
Artisanship providing professional development and income generation for formerly-incarcerated women

39. Içá ‐ BurnsConnect

Liga de Queimaduras
São Paulo, SP
Creating a network of professionals, students and patients to provide information to burn victims

40. InPACTO ‐ Instituto Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo

InPACTO: Promovendo Relações Dignas de Trabalho
São Paulo, SP
Fighting slave labor in the supply chain through communications

41. Minha Jampa

Minha Jampa
João Pessoa, PB
Creating a network to encourage civic engagement and monitoring in João Pessoa

42. Politize!

Joinville, SC
Civic education and the creation of a national network of youth who can be agents of political change

43. Reflexões da Liberdade

Todo Jovem Empoderado é Capaz de Mudar sua Comunidade e ou Realidade
Embú das Artes, SP
Supporting civic engagement for youth in public schools to be agents of change