All for One, and One for All

09/03/2016 • Publicado em Campaigns

Women join forces in Rio de Janeiro for a more just and equal Brazil

For International Women’s Day on Tuesday (March 8th) BrazilFoundation organized a Women for Women event at the home of Metsavaht Nazaré in Rio de Janeiro. Two women leaders from the Complexo do Alemão neighborhood: Lúcia Cabral, of EDUCAP, and Renata Trajano, of Coletivo Papo Reto, attended to share their stories.

“The night was filled with discussions, generosity, and a sense that we were there “All for one, and one for all” said Leona Forman, Founder of BrazilFoundation.

The event raised enough funds to support one more project in Rio de Janeiro – this time Postinho Health Network, in Cantagalo. The organization provides health care for 300 people each month in the communities of Cantagalo and Pavão / Pavãozinho, and aims to expand its capacity five-fold through BrazilFoundation’s support.

This is the fifteenth project supported through the Women for Women campaign, which has already mobilized more than 200 people in the United States and Brazil.

“We need to be more “human” in order to respond to all this violence and war in the world today,” said Lúccia Cabral at the event.

Renata Trajano also shared her experiences:

“I’ve visited many places and met many different people through my experiences. Some were poor like me, others rich, like the women who came to the event. I rarely feel the way I felt yesterday: thrilled to explain what we experience everyday. I asked that we all do something for a better Brazil, for a more united Rio. I feel like all the women who were there yesterday came because they believe in our ideals – ideals which few people take seriously. Yesterday it felt like BrazilFoundation was honoring many other women too, more than just us.I believe one day I’ll see a more equal Brazil. Nowadays my city is divided, but after this event I believe we can do a lot to fix this.

We’re successfully taking ”babysteps” towards building a more just and equal Brazil. Thank you for inviting me, for giving me the opportunity to tell my story to those who have experiences different than mine, but who somehow believe that we can indeed build a more equal Brazil.”


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