BrazilFoundation Listed on Glass Pockets – an Initiative for Digital Transparency in Philanthropy

20/04/2017 • Publicado em Institutional News

BrazilFoundation Listed on Glass Pockets – an Initiative for Digital Transparency in Philanthropy

BrazilFoundation is thrilled to share that it is now listed on the Glass Pockets transparency website with a score of 22 out of a possible 25. Glass Pockets is an initiative of the Foundation Center that rates, analyzes and promotes digital transparency and accountability practices in philanthropy. In doing so, they have identified 25 indicators to measure the potential depth of online transparency that a foundation can demonstrate, which include measures such as the availability of their 990 forms, grantee surveys, diversity data, and more. Along with these indicators, the initiative provides tools and information on the importance of transparency and how foundations can be more open in communications to their constituents.

What does this listing mean for BrazilFoundation? While any Foundation can submit a profile of their online transparency for listing on the Glass Pockets website, what’s most significant is BrazilFoundation’s score of 22 out of 25. The average score achieved among the 88 foundations listed on the Glass Pockets website is 14 out of 25 indicators. Other foundations included on the website range from large organizations such as Ford Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation to smaller community foundations.

Why is Glass Pockets important for philanthropy? According to the Glass Pockets website, “In an era of fiscal restraint and increasing pressure on public spending, it is safe to assume that far more will be expected of foundations. Now, more than ever, foundations need to actively promote and communicate their efforts to policymakers, practitioners, the media, and a new generation increasingly engaged with the social sector.”

As BrazilFoundation takes its transparency very seriously, it intends to meet all 25 indicators within 2017. And as the demands for transparency change in the future, BrazilFoundation will strive to meet any additional indicators that may be suggested by Glass Pockets.


Compare BrazilFoundation’s transparency to that of other foundations here.

Read about transparency trends here.

Watch the Foundation Center’s video “Making a Case for Transparency” here: