BrazilFoundation Announces Brumadinho Grantees to Receive Support From {abrace Minas Gerais} Campaign

17/04/2019 • Publicado em Campaigns

Edital 2019: Brumadinho and Region – Selected Projects

In response to the disaster in Brumadinho on January 25th, 2019, BrazilFoundation launched the {abrace Minas Gerais} campaign and a public Call for Proposals to fund projects to help promote the socioeconomic recovery of the affected region in the medium to long-term. After two months of fundraising and a selection process that received 101 proposals, we announce the 6 organizations to receive funding.

A total of R$270,000 will be invested in these organizations to develop and execute their proposals over a 6 to 12 month period. In addition to the financial investment, the organizations will receive technical support, mentoring, and an opportunity to participate in BrazilFoundation’s annual leadership gathering, capacity-building workshops in partnership with ABCR, and opportunities to participate in BrazilFoundation’s partnership and leader exchange programs with other grantees.

About the selection process
After a thorough review of the technical aspects of each proposal, finalists received technical visits from the BrazilFoundation monitoring team to evaluate the legitimacy and relevancy of their work with their intended public. The visits also served as invaluable opportunities understand the needs of the community and hear testimonies from those impacted by each organization’s work.

For questions about the selection process, email:


Here are the projects to receive funding:

Credit: IG @bombeirosmg

ACCTBJ – Associação de Cooperação em Cultura e Tecnologia Brasil – Japão (in partnership with the Minas Gerais Firefighters)

NARB (Núcleo de Alerta de Rompimento de Barragem)
Belo Horizonte, MG
Teaching emergency prevention and preparedness to public school children in Brumadinho through the Japanese “Kaeru” method

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Associação dos Amigos e Moradores da Comunidade Rodrigues em Brumadinho

Turismo como geração de renda e preservação cultural da Região Quilombola de Brumadinho
Brumadinho, MG
Introducing tourism as an income generation opportunity and method for reviving culture and identity in quilombola communities

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Corporação Musical Banda São Sebastião

Projeto: Recomeçar
Brumadinho, MG
Using performance music as a tool for historical and cultural conservation, healing and community connection

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Credit: IG @mudano_sp

Instituto de Permacultura Ecovida São Miguel

Centro de Práticas Integradas Socioambientais da ASCAVAP – Brumadinho
Belo Horizonte / Brumadinho, MG
Helping the ASCAVAP recycling collective to implement sustainable technologies that allow them to expand and improve working conditions and income

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Credit: IG @naacao

Instituto Naação

Casa Naação como ponto de referência e acolhimento para a comunidade do Parque Cachoeira
Belo Horizonte / Brumadinho, MG
Providing mental health and social services for the Parque Cachoeira community, a population directly affected by the mining disaster

Credit: IG @yacaranta

Novo Mundo de Yacarantã

Sistema Agroflorestal Comunitário no Córrego do Feijão: promovendo uma nova agricultura familiar
Rio Manso / Brumadinho, MG
Cultivating a forest system to strengthen community ties and create income generation opportunities for affected family farmers


Thank you:

Funds for these investments were made possible through the hundreds of donors, supporters and ambassadors who made the {abrace Minas Gerais} campaign a success. We extend a special thank you to: United Way of Brazil; Brazil-Florida Business Council; Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida; Bloomberg; Global Giving; Facebook; The Consulate General of Brazil in Miami, Ambassador João Mendes Pereira; Flávia Alessandra; Francisco Costa; DJ Marina Diniz; DJ Mazza + TF Life Music; CB Eventos; MBAF; Doare; Top of The Standard; our media partners Revista Acontece, Achei USA, O Tempo, and O Estado de Minas; and all the event and auction donors.