“Camarote da Nana” Raises Over US$9,000 for BrazilFoundation

11/02/2020 • Publicado em Events

“Camarote da Nana” Raises Over US$9,000 for BrazilFoundation

The benefit event was hosted by Nana Cunha, Krika Palaia and Mauricio Morato

On Saturday, Feb. 8th, Nana Cunha held a pre-carnaval birthday fundraiser at Brazil Brazil Restaurant in New York, raising more than US$9,000 for BrazilFoundation to invest in social projects in 2020. More than 100 members of our New York community attended the event which was co-hosted by Krika Palaia (@krikaevents) and BrazilFoundation board member Mauricio Morato. In lieu of receiving presents, Nana decided to turn her annual birthday celebration into a benefit event for BrazilFoundation, of which she is a long-time donor. We thank Nana, Krika and Mauricio for their generosity and solidarity in raising funds for social impact in Brazil!

Photos: Carol Biazotto
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