Crisis in the Brazilian Amazon

29/07/2020 • Publicado em Campaigns

Crisis in the Brazilian Amazon

Just this past week, the NY Times published a powerful article exposing the magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis in the Brazilian Amazon, and the need for urgent action.

With more than 87 thousand COVID-19 deaths (July 29th, 2020) and counting, Brazil is only second in numbers to the United States. And the highest death rates in the country are along the Amazon river, with residents in some communities there as likely to contract the virus as in New York City. As the virus continues to spread through isolated communities via the very river on which their livelihoods depend, people are dying before they can access treatment.

The Amazon Forever campaign, a partnership of BrazilFoundation and Conservation International – Brasil, will provide emergency aid to indigenous, quilombola and riverside communities of the Brazilian Amazon. BrazilFoundation will direct 50 percent of the funds raised to four partner organizations, chosen for the respect they have earned in their territories:

Make a donation today to mitigate the serious damages of the pandemic for thousands of families.