Capacity-Building Workshops Bring Together More than 50 Social Leaders in Rio de Janeiro

13/06/2016 • Publicado em EventsGrantees

Capacity-Building Workshops Bring Together More than 50 Social Leaders in Rio de Janeiro

BrazilFoundation held its annual capacity-building workshops on June 9th and 10th in Rio de Janeiro, during which 52 representatives from organizations selected to receive support through the 2016 Call for Proposals shared knowledge and participated in workshops. Some of the topics discussed included: finding funding in a time of financial crisis, the role of the leader, and using communications for social impact.

Several of the wostrkshops were led by guest speakers including: Agenda Pública representative Sérgio Andrade, who presented about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – an agenda of the United Nations built to eradicate poverty and promote peace; Candice Pascoal, CEO of Kickante, spoke about crowdfunding; Elena Crescia, organizer at TED x São Paulo, gave tips on storytelling and public speaking; Tony Marlon, of Escola de Notícias, and Danielle Fantini, consultant in marketing and communications, discussed how communications tools can empower communities and organizations.

“It was two days of great energy, knowledge exchange, and enthusiasm. Overall we leave here incredibly aware of the public and social causes.” – said Cineiva Tono, President of Instituto de Técnologia e Dignidade Humana, in Curitiba, Paraná. “Humans have been working against each other alot…but here at the BrazilFoundation workshops we were guided to reach out to people. This makes all the difference in respect to social causes.”

Training is offered each year to the leaders of the projects selected to receive funding through the BrazilFoundation Call for Proposals. The workshops are intended to help the organizations to improve their project planning, financial management, fundraising strategies, institutional communications, and networking.

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