VII Gala São Paulo

The Event
The Event
Please join us for the BrazilFoundation's VII São Paulo Gala, bringing together supporters who collaborate with our efforts to build a more equitable Brazil with greater opportunities.
Let's come together to celebrate BrazilFoundation's initiatives dedicated to promoting access to economic opportunities, quality education, and socio-environmental justice in Brazil.
November 28, 2023 | 19h30 (Brasília)
Rosewood São Paulo
Rua Itapeva, 435 - Bela Vista
Dress Code
Cocktail Attire
Presenting Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Official Airline
Media Partner
Ana Paula Carneiro, Andrea Bartelle, Alyson & Will Landers, BTG Pactual, DLA Piper LLP, Katia Francesconi Foundation, Daniela & Ricardo Puggina, Progresso Sementes
Aline Limeira Starck, Bradesco BBI, Carol Bassi, DXA Invest, Renata di Paula, Rodrigo Branco, VIVARA
Tables and Tickets
Tables and Tickets
Benefactor Table – US$ 9,000
• One (1) table close to the stage for ten (10) guests at dinner;
• Name listed as Benefactor on invitation, program and event screen;
• Mention during the ceremony.
Patron Table – US$ 6,000
• One (1) table for 10 (ten) guests at dinner;
• Name listed as Patron on invitation, program and event screen;
• Mention during the ceremony.
Benefactor Ticket – US$ 900
• One (1) dinner seat close to the stage.
Patron Ticket – US$ 600
• One (1) dinner seat.
Sold Out!
For sponsorships and other forms of payment, contact Junior Amaro: Whatsapp: (EUA) +1 (646) 657-5088