Support the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul

Climate Emergency
Rio Grande do Sul is experiencing the consequences of the largest flood in its history, and one of the greatest climate tragedies in Brazil. The floods have caused severe impacts in over 460 cities – approximately 95% of the state – and directly affected over 2 million people.
BrazilFoundation and the Luz Alliance Fund have joined forces to raise funds and awareness in support of the thousands of affected individuals. In the immediate term, we have been focusing on addressing urgent needs by collaborating with local organizations to provide humanitarian assistance. Following this initial phase, we are prioritizing strategies and efforts to aid in the region’s reconstruction.
Your donation changes lives. Support Rio Grande do Sul
Together to Rebuild
In pursuit of this mission, we are coordinating our actions with partners who are committed to working with complete transparency and accountability alongside initiatives from various sectors, that prioritize the local population.
The rains have left deep scars. The challenges are immense and will require time, dedication, and resources to overcome, as well as collaboration across various sectors. At this time of cooperation and unity, we count on several partnerships throughout Rio Grande do Sul.
Some of our partners include:
- Fundo Luz Alliance e Gisele Bündchen
- Boeing
- Hard Rock Heals Foundation
- Daniel Vorcaro
- Prudential
- Fortive Corporation
- Valor Capital Group
- Suse – SUSEcares
- Rialto Capital
- Sony Music Group
- Blue Water Shipping
- Brazilian Soul Fund e Alessandra Ambrosio
- Harman Employees
- Instituto Caldeira
- South Summit
- Whirlpool & Consulado das Mulheres
How we are taking action

The climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul has caused large-scale and long-lasting socio-environmental impacts.
It is essential to consider the climate emergency and its multiple impacts in order to devise an integrated and advanced urban plan that improves the state’s physical and social infrastructure.
With 24 years of experience in Brazil, BrazilFoundation is committed to ensuring that the resources entrusted by thousands of donors are invested strategically and collaboratively.
Emergencial Support
In the first phase, with a focus on emergency actions, the following five institutions received funds to provide food, clean water, clothing, footwear, cleaning supplies, and support for rescue operations:
- Associação Humus Brasil – Mobilizing specialized rescue teams, identifying needs, providing humanitarian logistics for aid deliveries, and supporting military forces with equipment.
- Banco de Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul – Distributing food aid to combat food insecurity.
- Grupo Voluntário de Busca e Salvamento Gerar – Working with doctors, nurses, and rescue specialists, the team rescued and provided assistance to hundreds of people.
- Instituto Cultural Floresta – Rescuing and sheltering affected families, distributing food, clothing, blankets, and mattresses.
- Instituto Dunga – Meeting the needs of people in shelters, ensuring food, clothing, water, and comprehensive assistance for victims who remain in their homes.
Phase two of the campaign includes the delivery of “cleaning kits” and “home kits” to flood victims that include items to support their return to their homes. This phase also involves detailed damage assessments and focuses on collaborating in restoring normalcy to affected areas, returning basic services, and providing ongoing support to the victims.
As part of the Recovery Phase, resources have been allocated to:
- Instituto Geração Tricolor: Donation of “home kits” to families in Humaitá and the 4th District of Porto Alegre.
- Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre: Donation of 600 mattresses for “home kits” that have been delivered to affected employees of the nine Santa Casa hospitals. The employees reside in Porto Alegre (Sarandi and Humaitá neighborhoods), Canoas, Guaíba, Eldorado do Sul, and São Leopoldo (Vale dos Sinos).
- Casa de Referência Mulheres Mirabal – With a team of 90 psychologists, the organization provides psychosocial support to women affected by the floods and is currently training additional teams for assistance.
- Conselho Indigenista Missionário – Cimi Sul/Arpinsul – Support and assistance for Guarani and Kaigang indigenous peoples through the donation such as food, hygiene and cleaning supplies, water tanks, tarps, roofing tiles, mattresses, and blankets for homes in reclaimed areas.
- Mulher em Construção – The climate tragedy in RS has affected over 5,000 women, who were already receiving support from the Institute. The institute is now launching an Emergency Fund for home reconstruction, which includes training 480 people in painting, electrical work, and plumbing skills in Canoas.
- Rede de Mulheres Negras para Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional – Supporting peripheral black communities and about 150 quilombos with hygiene and cleaning kits, structural repairs, as well as repairs to gardens, water tanks, cisterns, production tools, replanting, and support for animal feeding.
- Associação Amigos Hospital Materno Infantil Presidente Vargas
- Instituto Cultural Filhos de Aruanda
- Associação dos Amigos Artesãos e Pescadores da Ilha Pintada
- Campo Bom pra Cachorro
- Casa do Excepcional Santa Rita de Cássia
- Clínica Esperança de Amparo à Criança
Overall, phase two of the campaign aims to provide practical assistance to flood victims and help them rebuild their lives.
The third phase of the campaign aims to integrate a collaboration program for local reconstruction, based on a long-term strategic plan. BrazilFoundation is working to ensure that support contributes to sustainable, clean, and safe solutions in energy, water, and housing.
We are identifying and evaluating active social initiatives in the region that will be selected for long-term collaboration. These actions will be crucial to ensure an efficient and sustainable recovery process.
Partnership whit Fundo Casa Socioambiental
In partnership with the Luz Alliance Fund, we joined forces with Fundo Casa Socioambiental in an innovative collaborative investment to support organizations working on environmental recovery and the regenerative economy. Through the “Reconstruir RS” call for proposals, R$ 4.1 million will be invested in 68 organizations from the Pampa and Atlantic Forest biomes, benefiting over 200,000 people, both directly and indirectly.
The initiative supports communities affected by the climate disaster, including farmers, quilombolas, Indigenous peoples, artisanal fishers, Roma communities, Afro-Brazilian communities, and neighborhood associations, helping them rebuild and strengthen their recovery and resilience.
Organizations supported
Aldeia Guyra Nhendu, Som dos Pássaros; Aldeia Kaingang Vãn Ka; APROBOM – Associação dos Produtores de Cana de Açúcar e Derivados de Bom Princípio RS; Associação Comunitária do Quilombo da Família Machado; Associação Comunitária e Cultural Quilombo do Areal; Associação Comunitária Quilombo Vila Nova; Associação Comunitária Quilombola Beco dos Colodianos; Associação Comunitária Vila Miloca; Associação Comunitária Vovô Teobaldo; Associação Cultural Vila Flores; Associação das Mulheres do Campo e da Cidade Guajuviras; Associação de Moradores da Forqueta; Associação de Moradores da Vila Getúlio Vargas; Associação de Produtores FlorESer Agroecológico; Associação de Proteção à Vida – APROVI; Associação do Quilombo dos Alpes D. Edwirges; Associação do Quilombo Família de Ouro Ylê de Oxum; Associação dos Agricultores Ecologistas – Feira Ecológica de Sananduva; Associação dos Moradores da Vila dos Industriarios – AMOVI; Associação Estação Semear; Associação Ilê Axé Oyawoye; Associação Indígena Kaingang Ketyjug Tegtu; Associação Indígena Pindó Mirim; Associação Ksa Rosa; Associação Liga de Amparo aos Necessitados; Associação Mulheres da Terra; Associação Pachamama; Associação Social e Cultural Conceito Arte; Associação Terra Viva; Associação Toda Vida; Associação Vitória Ilha do Pavão; Ateliê Grimpas – Coletivo de Mulheres; Casa Africana Reino de Oxalá; Centro de Referência em Direitos Humanos Prof Lisiane Lopes; CETAP – Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares; Círculo de Pais e Mestres da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Oziel Alves Pereira; Coletiva Feminista de Destiladoras; Colônia de Trabalhadores da Pesca Z-3 de Pelotas; Comunidade autônoma orquídea libertária; Cooperativa Aguassantense de Apicultores – LTDA; Cooperativa de Trabalho e Habitação 20 de Novembro; Cooperativa de Trabalho e Reciclagem Ltda; Cooperativa Estadual de Trabalho e Desenvolvimento dos Povos Tradicionais De Matriz Africana – Cooptma; COOPERTINGA – Cooperativa de Reciclagem de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos; CSAA – Comunidade que Sustenta a Agricultura Agroecológica Territórios de Vida; Espaço Agroecológico Vagalume; Espaço Curad’arte do Quilombo do Morro Alto; Farmacinha Comunitária Filhas da Esperança; Fórum das Mulheres Negras Trabalhadoras da Economia Popular e Solidária- FESPOPE; Fórum Nacional de Segurança Alimentar Nutricional dos Povos Tradicionais de Matriz Africana de Pelotas – RS (FONSANPOTMA); Fundação MO’Ã – Estudos e Pesquisas para a Proteção e o Desenvolvimento Ambiental; GACBio – Grupo de Atuação em Ciências Biológicas; Grupo das Hortas Ecológicas José Lutzenberger; Grupo de Mulheres Erotildes Brasil; Horta urbana; Instituto Camélia; Instituto Falas; Instituto Gaúcho de Estudos Ambientais – InGá; Levante Popular da Juventude RS; Marcha Mundial das Mulheres – Periferia Feminista Cozinha Solidária Morro da Cruz; Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens; NGOMA; RAMA – Associação dos Produtores da Rede Agroecológica Metropolitana; Reciclando a Cidadania em Rede Interdisciplinar – REDECRIAR; Rede Nacional de Mulheres Negras no Combate á Violência/Núcleo Rio Grande do Sul; Retomada Kaingang Gãh Ré; Teia dos Povos da Região Central RS; TRANSLAB – Instituto de Pesquisa em Inovação Social.

About BrazilFoundation
BrazilFoundation mobilizes resources to invest in actions that transform Brazil. We connect leaders and civil society organizations with global support networks that promote equity, socioenvironmental justice, and opportunities in Brazil.
Over the last 24 years we have transformed countless lives, provided essential resources to those in need, invested in transformational leaders and social innovations, and helped build strong communities in Brazil.
Tax Benefits
USA: Your generous contributions to BrazilFoundation – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit – are tax-deductible to the fullest extent possible. BrazilFoundation (EIN 13-4131482) provides a tax receipt for each donation received.
Brazil: As a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP), BrazilFoundation issues receipts for donations made in Brazilian reais upon request under Law 9.790/99, Ministry of Justice file no. 08071.000389/2004/01, Corporate Taxpayer Registration No. 04.839.572/0001-10.