Holiday Party Raises Funds for Mariana and Rio Doce Region

09/12/2015 • Publicado em Events

Last night BrazilFoundation raised US$20,000 at their benefit holiday party in New York for socio-environmental projects in the Rio Doce region, the site of the recent mining catastrophe which killed dozens, destroyed wildlife and wiped out several towns. The holiday party is an initiative of the BrazilFoundation Minas Fund, created in response to the environmental disaster. Together with proceeds from the holiday event, the Fund has raised US$30,000 – enough to fund three projects.

Organized by the BrazilFoundation Young Fellows and hosted by actress Gabriela Duarte, the event was attended by 150 people. Both Brazilians and non-Brazilians from the tri-state area expressed their support for the Fund throughout the night. Designer Francisco Costa, a mineiro himself, said he was willing to help promote the cause. Another donor explained her desire to help, “I come from Nepal, where right now there are a lot of dams being built. Nepal could see similar events in the future like what happened in Brazil. By donating I feel like I am helping somehow.”

The event featured a silent auction including items from Maria Bonita, Italian designer Salvatore Ferragamo, and more. The night also celebrated the birthday of Luciana Curtis, a BrazilFoundation supporter of over 13 years.

A special thanks to the host committee: Alexandre Tutundjian, Bruna Braga, Bruno Ramos de Sousa, Bruno Simonato, Camila Penna, Celeste Owens, Cristiane Cavalcante Buntin, Julia Dal Pont de Azevedo, Karina Vianello, Lenka Soares, Luciana Curtis, Luciana Leite, Manuela Giannini, Marcelo Reali, Michelle Viana, Natália Beber, Rafael Azzi, Ricardo Martiniski, Roberto Simonsen, & Vanessa Pereira; host Gabriela Duarte; donors Bloomberg and Atlas Advisors; all auction donors, and Beautique – without whom we could not have arrived at this amount.

You can still contribute to the Minas Fund by making a donation here:



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