IPEDI Launches First Textbook in Terena and Portuguese

22/04/2015 • Publicado em Grantees

This week BrazilFoundation celebrates a great achievement for Instituto de Pesquisa da Diversidade Intercultural (IPEDI), a BrazilFoundation partner since 2013. On the day which Brazil celebrates Indigenous People’s Day, April 19th, IPEDI launched the textbook KALIVONO – the first bilingual textbook ever in the Terena indigenous language and Portuguese – to help value and save Terena language and culture. Geared towards elementary school children of the indigenous community of Miranda, MS, the book is contextualizes the reality of their community while providing them a lesson in the Terena language. This was such an important achievement that the municipality has adopted the book as official teaching material for all indigenous schools in the city.

“I’m very thankful for the opportunity that BrazilFoundation has given us” – IPEDI leader.

Learn more about the work of IPEDI here

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