June 5th: World Environment Day

05/06/2021 • Publicado em Uncategorized

June 5th: World Environment Day

Reimagine. Rebuild. Restore. This year, this day seeks to foster the creation of solutions to urgent environmental problems, calling on governments, businesses, and citizens to do their part to ensure a healthy ecosystem.

Here’s what we’re doing to promote environmental conservation and recovery:⁠⁠

The environment as a programmatic area of support: We invest in initiatives that contribute to environmental health, preservation and recovery with respect to human development and sustainable communities. Themes supported include:⁠⁠

– Associação Kanindé: @kanindebrazil
Cooperativa de Produção Agroecológica do Xingu – COOPAX: @coopax_xingu
Instituto das Águas da Serra da Bodoquena – IASB: @iasb_serradabodoquena ⁠⁠

Amazon Fund: This fund aims to contribute to the sustainable livelihood of people and communities in the Brazilian Amazon by supporting biodiversity conservation and local socio-economic development. Click here to learn more.⁠⁠

Luz Alliance Fund: In addition to helping social initiatives and providing humanitarian support during the pandemic in Brazil, the Luz Alliance Fund, created by Gisele Bündchen in partnership with BrazilFoundation, raises funds for initiatives that promote environmental preservation and regeneration. Click here to learn more.