Pode Crer Fund of BrazilFoundation
Transforming marginalized communities in Florianópolis with education and opportunity

The Pode Crer Fund was created to support the Vilson Groh Institute’s projects and to increase their reach through the construction of a Social Innovation Center in the Monte Serrat community in Florianópolis, transforming marginalized communities with education and opportunity.
The creation of the first Social Innovation Center, to be inaugurated in November 2022, will benefit children, teenagers and young people from the outskirts of greater Florianópolis. This fund will also support other activities of the Vilson Groh Institute, with a long term focus on the Pode Crer program and the creation of other social innovation centers in marginalized communities in the Florianópolis region.
Support Pode Crer Fund
Be a part of it
A more peaceful and just future for Brazil
Education, social support, professional preparation and community development
Donations can be directed to a specific initiative:
– Construction of the first Social Innovation Center in Monte Serrat
– Direct financial support of students in the Pode Crer program
– Support of educational activities of Programa Pode Crer
– Support of the Vilson Groh hunger eradication program
– Support of Vilson Groh Institute students at universities

About the Vilson Groh Institute
The Vilson Groh Institute coordinates a network of social organizations in Florianópolis that reaches over 5000 people and 2000 families. Their focus is on youth education, social support, social integration, professional preparation and community development in the urban periphery. For over 40 years Vilson Groh has been living in these communities and transforming them with education and opportunity, creating a more peaceful and just future in Brazil.
Current activities being developed as part of the Pode Crer program encompass: enrollment of youth aged 11-24; training courses developing hard and soft skills and focusing on technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, English as a second language, arts, communication and citizenship contents; strengthening their social, psychological and academic developments with scholarships, meals, support to their families and preparatory courses for universities and trade schools; bringing them closer to the innovation and technology ecosystem, and helping them enter universities and the job market.
Website: www.redeivg.org.br
Facebook: facebook.com/RedeIVG
Instagram: @redeivg
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/redeivg
Some results showing the impact of the Vilson Groh Institute results over the last 10 years:
– Over US$26 million invested in actions of prevention, insertion, coexistence, strengthening of bonds and education;
– Over US$400.000 transferred to organizations in the REDE IVG network;
– Over 7 million meals offered
– Over 1000 served by the Institute’s university preparation course and over 300 people started university after the preparation courses
– 4.866 people supported per year on average
– 2.105 young people enrolled under training and work programs
– 225 technical and higher education scholarships
– 2.219 families supported per year on average
– 305 collaborators per year on average
– 288 volunteers per year on average
Tax Benefits
USA: Contributions to BrazilFoundation – EIN 13 4131482, a non-profit under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Tax Code – are deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Individuals can deduct up to 50% of their adjusted gross income; companies may deduct up to 10% of taxable income, prior to discounting the philanthropic investment. BrazilFoundation provides a tax-receipt acknowledgement of the contribution it receives.
Brazil: BrazilFoundation is a non-profit organization, designated as a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP, as per its initials in Portuguese) under Law 9.790/99, Ministry of Justice file no. 08071.000389/2004/01, Corporate Taxpayer Registration No. 04.839.572/0001-10. A donation receipt can be issued for donations made in reals. The donor must request their receipt directly from BrazilFoundation. Since we are an OSCIP, tax incentives are only awarded to businesses taxed on their profits. These businesses can deduct the cost of donations up to 2% of their operating profit. An individual donor may report the amount donated when filing income tax, but will not receive a tax incentive.