Downy Partnership to Raise Resources for Projects that Empower Women

08/06/2016 • Publicado em Campaigns

Downy Partners with BrazilFoundation to Raise Resources for Projects that Empower Women

Downy Brasil recently launched its campaign “Costure of Futuro” (Sew the Future), in partnership with BrazilFoundation, to invest in projects that train and empower women in Brazil. To participate in the online campaign, all you have to do is post photos on Instagram using the hashtag #LookPerfumado. For every time the hashtag is used, Downy Brasil will donate R$1 to BrazilFoundation. The participant’s profile must be public for the hashtag to be counted. Participants can see the campaign’s progress on its site here, where they can find a real-time hashtag counter.

The total amount raised will be donated to two projects, Recicla Jeans (of ONG Florescer), and Casa Geração Vidigal, which were selected by BrazilFoundation through its 2016 Call for Proposals. Recicla Jeans trains women in Paraisópolis, São Paulo, to create garments and accessories from the materials of old jeans. Casa Geração Vidigal, in Rio de Janeiro, is a fashion school for talented youth between the ages of 18 and 25, to which they can attend free of charge.

Stylist Patrícia Bonaldi and campaign ambassadors Camila Coutinho, Thassia Naves, Nati Vozza and Lele Sadi are helping to promote the initiative. Everyone can participate! Just use the hashtag #LookPerfumado and make sure your profile is public.