Kanindé Ethno-environmental Defense Association

Porto Velho, RO
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Covered areas
Socioeconomic Development

Casa de Farinha

Improving the safety and efficiency of cassava flour production to increase incomes

The Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental Kanindé works together with indigenous famer communities promoting the protection and sustainable manufacturing of natural resources. Roughly 1,300 indigenous people reside in the “Sete de Setembro” territories, located between Cacoal (RO) and Rondolândia (MT). This land experiences invasions from loggers and miners looking to extract natural resources, threatening the livelihoods of indigenous families.

As local youth have difficulty accessing professional training and the job market, cassava flour production is the principal economic activity for the villages, providing food security to those who sell it for basic goods. The Casa de Farinha project will help indigenous women in the Alto Jamari village improve the flour production process to meet growing demand for the product and increase family incomes.

With support from BrazilFoundation, the association aims to:

• Renovate a flour mill in the Alto Jamari village;
• Acquire equipment for the mill;
• Hold a workshop on hygiene and flour production.


The flour mill will be renovated and equipped
Indigenous families will sell their products locally
1,300 indigenous people currently benefiting

“Improving the cassava flour production processes means having more time to defend the land and produce more food and income for families.” – Associação Team