Education Fund
Contribute to the improvement of teaching-learning processes for children and adolescents

The Education Fund will strengthen access and the quality of Brazilian education, enabling CSOs in the education ecosystem that prioritize inclusive training approaches for children between 0 and 14 years old, in formal and non-formal education, in the countryside and in the city.
of children from 0 to 3 years of age belonging to the richest households are enrolled in day care centers
of the poorest children aged 0 to 3 attend school at this stage
Why Education?
Support for CSOs that interface with the municipal and state public network, creating methodologies to improve formal and non-formal teaching-learning practices on a territorial or regional basis.
More than 5 million Brazilian students aged 6 to 17 were out of school or without school activities during the pandemic. (UNICEF, 2021)
55% of Brazilian children reached the 3rd year of Elementary School with insufficient levels of Reading and Mathematics. (National Literacy Assessment, 2016)

Promote innovative training projects regarding the principles of emancipatory education
To strengthen educational spaces that offer qualified approaches about humanist identities and belongings about race/ethnicity, gender, accessibility, life projects, plural worldviews and citizenship.
Supported organizations

Coletivos de Mulheres do Xingu

Instituto de Pesquisa da Diversidade Cultural – IPEDI

Centro Educacional da Juventude Padre João Piamarta

Nosso Movimento pelo Bem-estar no Brasil

Associação MegaEdu

Associação Bem Comum

Associação Redes da Maré

Instituto Vini Jr