Designated Funds
Contributing to national and international fundraising efforts of CSOs
How it works
The Designated Fund (DF) is a fund created for an organization in Brazil that intends to implement a medium- and long-term fundraising strategy in the United States. All funds raised may be designated exclusively for the Fund’s title organization.
The DF is established in partnership with BrazilFoundation, which will be the official recipient of all donations to the Designated Fund. BrazilFoundation is a non-profit organization registered in the United States as a 501(c)(3). Therefore, contributions to this Fund, of BrazilFoundation are potentially tax deductible in the United States.
*BrazilFoundation retains exclusive legal responsibility for all donations. The foundation considers donor recommendations after ensuring that grantees qualify for charitable funding under US and Brazilian law.
In addition to the credibility conferred by with BrazilFoundation, a DF contributes to increasing the investor pool in the U.S. because potential tax benefits encourage donations.
The Fund empowers the Organization to raise international funds from individual donors, corporations, and foundations, among others.
Donations can be made via credit card, check, wire transfer, shares, and securities. BrazilFoundation monitors all channels for receipt of donations, allocates them to the Fund, and reports the donations received.
How to open
The first step is registering the Organization through the due diligence process of BrazilFoundation. The Organization must complete the registration form and provide the requested documentation. Once the documentation has been approved, the Foundation can create a Designated Fund and receive donations.
The second step is to receive a minimum donation to open the Designated Fund. This minimum donation is of US$10,000 (or its equivalent in Reais,) and may be donated by the Organization itself. Part of this initial donation may be used immediately for transfers to the Organization (see point 8 regarding Fee Structure).
Our Designated Funds
- Associação Fundo Patrimonial Patronos
- Ayrton Senna Institute
- Ensina Brasil
- Feira Preta
- Centenário Fund (UFRGS)
- CX Forest Fund – Instituto Conexões Sustentáveis
- FAZ – Associação Alessandro Zarzur
- FGV São Paulo Law School (FGV Direito SP)
- Fundação 1 Bi
- Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
- Fundação Estudar
- Fundação Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
- Gauss
- Insper
- Instituto Burle Marx
- Instituto Caldeira
- Instituto da Criança
- Instituto de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Holístico – Vista
- Instituto Geração Tricolor
- Instituto Gerando Falcões
- Instituto Inclusartiz
- Instituto Mulher em Construção
- Instituto Pro-Saber SP
- Instituto Protea
- Instituto Reação
- Instituto Reditus
- ITA Endowment
- Liga Solidária
- Médicos da Floresta
- Movimento Bem Maior
- Onçafari – Pantanal Recovery
- Orquestra Filarmônica de Minas Gerais
- Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo
- Parceiros da Educação RJ
- Parceiros da Educação
- Philharmonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais
- Pode Crer – Instituto Pe Vilson Groh
- Rede Tênis
- Refúgio 343
- Renova BR
- Sempre FEA
- Ser Cidadão
- Vozes das Periferias
- WimBelemDon