We received 730 proposals from all regions of the country
After careful evaluation, we are pleased to share the projects selected for support from the Black Entrepreneurship Fund and the Gender Equity Fund in 2023. Sixteen civil society organizations from five states and the Federal District will collectively receive up to R$ 4.9 million. Each organization will be granted R$ 150,000 in the first year, with the possibility of support renewal for an additional 12 months pending evaluation of results.
BrazilFoundation’s Field-of-Interest Funds promote systemic improvements in socio-environmental, racial, and gender inequities in Brazil. The Field-of-Interest Funds will mobilize additional resources to expand support to historically marginalized communities.
The Black Entrepreneurship Fund addresses structural economic racism by supporting “accelerators” that assist Black-owned businesses. The Gender Equity Fund supports initiatives to strengthen the rights of women, girls, and the LGBTQIA+ population.
Over 23 years, BrazilFoundation has supported civil society organizations (CSOs) that represent the ethnic, racial, gender, and geographical diversity of Brazil and advance social and environmental justice, economic opportunity and educational equity.
BrazilFoundation’s selection process begins with an open call for proposals. A short-list of projects receives site visits with criteria based on innovation, impact and potential scalability. Each project is monitored empathically and receives support to strengthen its institutional capacity.

Meet the selected CSOs:
Black Entrepreneurship Fund
BlackRocks Startups – São Paulo, SP
Casa Dharma – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Instituto da Mulher Negra Mãe Hilda Jitolu – Salvador, BA
Instituto Feira Preta – São Paulo, SP
Instituto Nacional de Negócios e Afroempreendedorismo – FUNAFRO – São Paulo, SP
Fundo Agbara – Campinas, SP
Move Cultura – Contagem, MG
Movimento Black Money – São Paulo, SP
Gender Equity Fund
Associação Amigos da Vida – Brasília, DF
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem – Brasília, DF
Associação Central de Cidadania – Serrinha, BA
Associação Mulheres EIG – Evangélicas pela Igualdade de Gênero – São Paulo, SP
Coletivo Feminista Sexualidade e Saúde – São Paulo, SP
Comunema – Coletivo de Mulheres Negras Maria Maria – Altamira, PA
Grupo de Apoio à Solidariedade – Belém, PA
Grupo Ellos – Nova Iguaçu, RJ