Black Entrepreneurship Fund

Promoting autonomy and sustainability of Black people in various economic areas


This fund aims to overcome the legacy of racism in Brazil – that excludes over half of the population from educational and economic opportunities. We support initiatives to build a more inclusive ecosystem to enable Black entrepreneurs with to access capital, supply chains, markets, and financial autonomy.


of the population below poverty line are Black


of Black entrepreneurs started their own business due to necessity or unemployment

Why Black Entrepreneurship?

Brazil is home to the world’s largest Afro-descendant population outside the African continent.

While over half of the Brazilian population identifies as Black or brown, this group is extremely underrepresented in the country’s social-economic development agenda (IBGE, 2018). 

Black and brown Brazilians face severe disadvantages in the job market, income distribution, living conditions, education, and political representation. Afro-descendant individuals are twice as likely to be poor as white Brazilians. Chances are even higher if you are Black and female.

To provides Black entrepreneurs with tools to achieve sustainable financial autonomy

Despite Black entrepreneurs’ clear market potential, absence of seed funding and angel investment is a barrier for all entrepreneurs, disproportionately impacting women and *minorities. Such hostile business environment for Black entrepreneurs undermines national economic growth and racial and socioeconomic equity.